If you require accommodations to attend or participate in any aspect of Bobcat Welcome Week, please complete this form.
Bobcat Welcome Week
Bobcat Welcome Week is Texas State University's program designed to officially welcome new students to the university community. Building on New Student Orientation, this week allows new students to further explore opportunities, services, and resources helpful in their transition.

Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding is a required portion of the Bobcat Welcome Week to help facilitate a successful transition to Texas State. Incoming first-year students will receive access to this onboarding via Canvas prior to the start of their first semester. Each module is filled with information and resources that will help students navigate their time in college.
What is Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding?
Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding is a required transition program and the main focus of Bobcat Welcome Week for Fall 2024. It consists of six, educational video modules housed in Canvas - Texas State's learning management system. These modules provide you with important information about a variety of resources you'll use in your first year as a Bobcat! If you are a first-year student, you should have access to the Canvas site beginning Monday, August 19th at 12:00pm. Completion of all modules is due Sunday, August 25th at 11:59pm.
How long do I have to complete my Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding Modules?
Incoming first-year students will gain access to the Canvas site starting Monday, August 19th, at 12:00pm and the modules are due by Sunday, August 25th at 11:59pm. We encourage you to complete them as soon as possible as these modules provide important information and resources from campus that you can begin using right away. These resources are provided to you with the intent to provide knowledge and access to services that will assist you with navigating Texas State throughout your first semester.
Where can I find my Modules?
Modules can be found on the Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding Canvas site. Incoming first-year students should receive an email from Canvas informing them that they've been added to a new site, and the “Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding (Fall 2024)" site should be available in the Canvas dashboard. There, students can view the required modules and take the required quizzes attached to the modules to receive credit for the section. You will not receive credit for the Bobcat Welcome Week requirements if the modules are incomplete after August 25th.
What content will be covered in the required Modules?
Technology at TXST
As a Texas State student, you have access to a vast array of free technology services. The majority of your communication, research, information, and creativity will be connected to technology tools on campus, In this module, you'll view a top ten countdown of key tools and services you'll need to rock your first semester. All of this will mesh into your college life and make your Texas State experience smoother than ever.
Stand Up, Speak Up
This module will encourage you through video instruction on how to make safe, informed, and responsible decisions about alcohol and drugs at Texas State. You will also learn how to navigate moving from being a bystander to an upstander in alcohol, drug, and interpersonal violence situations.
Healthy Minds
There are many adjustments to be made in the first year of college that can be stressful and interfere with achieving goals. With awareness about mental health and by using prevention skills, college stress can be turned into a success!
Campus Safety
During this module, the Texas State University Police Department will give you "Just the Facts" on how to stay safe on campus and what services the department offers. Topics include the Student Safety Escort service, lost and found, and outreach events.
Title IX and Consent at TXST
Every Texas State Student is protected under Title IX which prohibits sex-based discrimination in education. Students will learn what Title IX means for all students and the responsibility Texas State University has under the law. This module will discuss multiple ways a Title IX policy could be violated, who the student could report to if a Title IX violation has occurred, and what to expect from the process. Students will also recognize the role alcohol can have and the importance of understanding enthusiastic consent in every situation.
Every Texas State student has the right to learn and live free from experiencing sexual violence. This module will also discuss how consent can sometimes be complex but should never be blurry. Students will discuss the importance of understanding enthusiastic consent in every situation, and what to do if you or someone you know experiences violence or harms another person. Students will be able to recognize how the role of alcohol and our environment can inform our college experiences and what we can do to prevent violence from happening.
Alkek Library
Librarians from Texas State's Albert B. Alkek Library will share with you the wealth of resources and support offered at Alkek. From assistance with research, support in your academic courses, and the ability to borrow books, DVDs, and other equipment - Alkek is full of resources to help you during your time at Texas State!
What are the quizzes, and how will they be graded?
Completing quizzes will be how your attendance is recorded for each required module of Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding. Some Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding quizzes will test your content mastery, and some will ask for feedback and assessment data on the module's effectiveness. If the quiz says (Content Check) beside it, it will be over mastery of the module's content. You must score 100% to advance to the next module. If it says (Feedback) beside it, it will be for gathering information about this module to help make Bobcat Welcome Week better in the future. Both quizzes are required to complete.
Are both the Content Check quizzes and the Feedback quizzes required?
Yes! They are both required to receive credit for Bobcat Welcome Week - however, only the Content Checks are graded. You must receive 100% on the Content Check to advance to the next module. The Feedback quizzes are implemented to receive feedback on the effectiveness of each Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding module so that we can continue to improve them for each new class of Bobcats. You must submit the Feedback quiz to advance to the next module.
I'm having trouble with my Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding. Who should I contact?
If you are experiencing a technological problem with Canvas - we encourage you to utilize ITAC's Canvas Support resources. You can also contact ITAC for additional support.
If you have questions regarding Bobcat Welcome Week, the Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding content, or any of the specific modules - please contact New Student and Family Experiences at nso@txstate.edu.
Bobcat Welcome Week FAQs

What is Bobcat Welcome Week?
Bobcat Welcome Week is a university transition program designed to officially welcome new students to the university. Building on New Student Orientation, this week allows new students to further explore opportunities, services, and resources helpful in their transition and pursuit of student success!
The Bobcat Welcome Week experience includes: Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding, Required events, Signature events, and Community-hosted events. Each component of the Bobcat Welcome Week experience is designed to provide you with all the information and resources you need to develop your unique place within the Texas State community!
Who is Bobcat Welcome Week for? Do I have to attend?
The Bobcat Welcome Week experience is designed for all new Texas State students as they transition back to our campus. Certain aspects, such as the Bobcat Life Digital Onboarding, are geared for students who are stating their first year at Texas State. Transfer students are not required to participate in Bobcat Welcome Week, but are encouraged to attend signature and community-hosted programs to learn more about the programs and services available to them at the university.
Can graduate students attend Bobcat Welcome Week?
The Bobcat Welcome Week experience is primarily designed for undergraduate students to better prepare them for their first year at Texas State. Graduate students are welcome to attend any of the Signature and Community-hosted events as they will provide some exposure to programs and services the university has to offer.
The Graduate College has a two-part, optional orientation opportunity for new graduate students through their New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) experience: NGSO: Canvas, a self-paced guided resource you have access to throughout your time at Texas State, and their in-person NGSO: Meet & Greet events.
What if I have questions about Bobcat Welcome Week?
If you have questions about any component of the Bobcat Welcome Week experience, you can contact the New Student and Family Experiences in the following ways:
- Phone: 512-245-3655
- Email: nso@txstate.edu
- In Person by visiting New Student and Family Experiences on the 2nd floor of the Housing and Residential Life Building
What if I need accomodations to attend an event?
If you require accommodations to attend or participate in any of the Bobcat Welcome Week events, please submit this online form.